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Featured Resource Injil Dalam 6 Minit By John Piper | About The Gospel

Biblical Sermons and Books provides free translations of resources from some of the world's most respected Christian leaders and authors.

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Apa kena-mengena dengan kamu? Kamu ikut saya! By John Piper | Desiring God

Adat-adat Manusia By Jerry Bridges | Ligonier Ministries

Adakah Penderitaan sentiasa difahami? By John Piper | Desiring God

Bagaimana saya boleh memberkati pastor saya? By John Piper | Desiring God

Menghadapi Rehat Penuh By Burk Parsons | Ligonier Ministries

Bagaimana berjuang untuk mencapai kegembiraan? By John Piper | Desiring God

Cinta Tuhan Demi Tuhan By John Piper | Desiring God

Bukan Bayangan, Gema Dan Sisa By John Piper | Desiring God

Injil Dalam 6 Minit By John Piper | Desiring God

35 sebab jangan berdosa By Jim Elliff | Editora Fiel